
AUDIT: 1008

Okay so we’re going to start doing a monthly audit of the state of affairs. These will likely just highlight a few in progress tattoos that we worked on during the previous month and some other random craps. Perhaps if you look at the audits over time they might compile some sort of progression.

So Okt was obviously a busy month. Other than the convention and the BloodWork shoot, we also carried on with our regular daily duties. I worked on a few back pieces this month including Doug’s back. This guy is a long time client and is well on his way to a bodysuit, which we are both excited about.

Analog Doug

Ichibay stayed on after the convention and did some tattooing. Great tattooer/guy who we wish was around more often.


Tyler Outside of tattooing, Tyler stopped by on his way to rock ‘n’roll fame. Nice to know he hasnt forgotten the little people.

Analog Mascot And we had a small visitor for a couple days. Fortunately, he eventually found his way out the window.
...that’s all I got.